Installation, EACC
The institution communicates, manages, contains… Open, Denied, and Naked is a specific project developed at the Espai d’Art Contemporari de Castelló (EACC). It is composed of specific actions developed within the architectural frame of the building, installation elements, performances, actions, videos and photographs.
The integrity of the building, its role as an exhibition venue, the management and direction of its projects, as well as the use of the exhibition space by the different users are addressed.
Open, Denied, and Naked displaces what should be in place. The exhibition area becomes the institutional offices. Documents, files, employees or visitors share the same place. The walls are in turn the setting for different video projections of several performances previously held in these spaces by 27 dogs from the local kennel, 16 children from a nearby school and 18 fine arts students from the Valencia University Art Department.
In one of the exterior walls an access has been opened allowing free access to a partial area of the interior of the building at any time of the day and during the whole exhibition period. This unregulated area is only accessible from that exterior door and not from the rest of the building.
The empty offices are closed although they contain all the work of the artist prior to this project. The doors are blocked, the works are hung or stacked. Lights are off.